The Fragility of Optimized Bandit Algorithms. Operations Research, 2024. With Peter W. Glynn.
- 2nd place, George Nicholson Student Paper Competition, 2022
Central Limit Theorems for Estimated Functions at Estimated Points. Operations Research, 2020. With Peter W. Glynn, Michael Fu, Jian-Qiang Hu and Yijie Peng.
Statistical Inference for Markov Chains with Structure. Preprint. With Peter W. Glynn.
Diffusion Approximations for Thompson Sampling. Preprint. With Peter W. Glynn.
The Typical Behavior of Bandit Algorithms. Preprint. With Peter W. Glynn.
Robustness Benefits of Structured Bandits. Preprint. With Peter W. Glynn.
Poisson Limits of Bernoulli Bandits. Preprint. With Wenjia Ba, Peter W. Glynn and J. Michael Harrison.
Change-point Testing for Risk Measures in Time Series. Preprint. With Junting Duan, Peter W. Glynn and Markus Pelger.
Works in progress
Subsample-based Estimation for Markov Chains with Structure. With Peter W. Glynn.
Smoothed Estimation for Markov Chains with Structure. With Peter W. Glynn.
Semiparametric Estimation for Markov Chains with Structure. With Peter W. Glynn.
Gradient Estimation for Stochastic Networks. With Peter W. Glynn.
Previously, as a bio-mechanical engineer…
Sensory-Motor Systems of Copepods Involved in Their Escape from Suction Feeding. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2015, Vol. 55 Is. 1. With Jeannette Yen, David Murphy and Donald Webster.
A Remote Stereochemical Lever Arm Effect in Polymer Mechanochemistry. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014, Vol. 136. No. 43. With Junpeng Wang, Tatiana Kouznetsova, Zachary Kean, Brendan Mar, Todd MartÃnez and Stephen Craig.
Break-up of Droplets in a Concentrated Emulsion Flowing Through a Narrow Constriction. Soft Matter, 2014, Vol. 10 Is. 3. With Liat Rosenfeld, Yunhan Chen and Sindy Tang.
Constant Tip-surface Distance with Atomic Force Microscopy via Quality Factor Feedback. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2012, Vol. 83 Is. 2. With Daniel Potter and Todd Sulchek.